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NSA Manual 130-12 Requirement - Secure Data Purge From The Flash Storage Device

Posted by Samuel Nakhimovsky on Wednesday, 19 Mar 2014

National Security Agency
Media Sanitization Manual

A more detailed and elaborate data sanitization method to purge resident data from the storage media, including Flash Storage, quickly and securely is defined in NSA Manual, Section 130-12. Currently, the Manual 9-12 supersedes NSA/CSS Manual 130-12.

The NSA method requires the destructive sequence below to overwrite existing information on a hard drive, SSD, Flash card or other storage device. The NSA data sanitization method is defined to be implemented in the following way:


NAVSO P-5239-26 Requirement - Secure Data Purge From The Flash Storage Device

Posted by Samuel Nakhimovsky on Tuesday, 11 Mar 2014

NAVSO P-5239-26

Another commonly used data sanitization method to securely and efficiently purge all stored data from the Flash storage device is NAVSO P-5239-26. Defined originally in Navy Staff Office Publication 5239 Module 26: Information Systems Security Program Guidelines, published by the US Navy.  This method requires the destructive sequence below to overwrite existing information on a hard drive, SSD, Flash card or other storage device.

The NAVSO P-5239-26 data sanitization method is defined to be implemented in the following way:


USA-Army 380-19 Requirement - Secure Data Purge From The Flash Storage Device

Posted by Samuel Nakhimovsky on Monday, 10 Mar 2014

US Army Infomation Systems Manual

Practically every government organization has defined it's own requirement for secure and untraceable data removal.   One of the such data sanitization methods used to securely purge all stored data from the Flash storage device is a USA-Army 380-19 requirement. Defined in the in Army Regulation 380-19, published by the US Army this method mandates the destructive sequence below to overwrite existing information on a hard drive, SSD, Flash card or other storage device.

The USA-Army 380-19 data sanitization method is defined to be implemented in the following way:


AFSSI-5020 Requirement - Secure Data Purge From The Flash Storage Device

Posted by Samuel Nakhimovsky on Friday, 07 Mar 2014

US Dept of Air Force Seal

One of the many data sanitization methods used to securely  and efficiently purge all stored data from the Flash storage device is AFSSI-5020. Defined in the Air Force System Security Instruction 5020 by the United States Air Force (USAF) this method mandates the destructive sequence below to overwrite existing information on a hard drive, SSD, Flash card or other storage device.

The AFSSI-5020 data sanitization method is defined to be implemented in the following way:

